Weeknotes: Flooding — Week 17, 2024

  • This wasn’t the most productive of weeks.
  • Update: the beard has left the building.
  • Asking “How many emails did I miss?” is a bit like asking “How long is a piece of string?”. Nobody can really know.
  • Thanks to a brand new exciting health-scare I spent another night in the ER, where I witnessed many exciting things including the entire ER waiting room flooding. Several tests later (including my first ever x-ray!) at 6AM, I stumbled into a taxi, made a hasty hot chocolate and collapsed into bed. Totally wrecked that day.
  • Visited the one-and-only CG in Leighton Buzzard to catch-up on puns, grumble about AI and to hike around the hills.
  • Walking to Sinuhe for dinner on Sunday, I realised that - indeed - Charing Cross hospital is my nearest. I’ve been wrong the entire time I’ve lived in Putney, and maybe I would’ve been seen more quickly.
  • Oh well. I got to share tasty Persian food.
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© Alex Wilson 2024