Latest Writing

Slack's new UI hits pretty different. Since it's rolling out slowly, being in multiple organisations is quite jarring as it impacts…

How many Substack accounts do you have? Or rather, how many email addresses do you have? This is the story of how collecting a few of both…

Recently I was lucky enough to attend LeadingEng London, here’s what I learned. LeadingEng is a new conference aimed at VP/Director/CTO…

Latest Notes

A week of noteworthy lunches. Even my Sainsbury’s meal-deal on Wednesday cooccurred with fun chat. Spent a lot of time in VCV Rack in the…

The aftermath of the election has been smooth at work. While we haven’t run a retrospective yet, we successfully sped back up to our normal…

UK Election this week. My week is evenly split into three: Pre-Election, Election Night and Recovery. Pre-election my focus at work was end…

© Alex Wilson 2024