Weeknotes: Subway — Week 13, 2024

  • Spent all my free evenings trying to polish a track in Ableton and being chronically unhappy with every export.
  • Highlight of the week was playing detective. A close second was a roast dinner with Swedish gravy.
  • The BAFTA Games Awards are coming up - for me 2023’s game of the year is obvious: Dave the Diver. It has hooked me (sorry, not sorry) and I find myself reaching for my Steamdeck whenever I have a spare moment.
  • On Wednesday I joined an interesting company’s work drinks and spoke about Russian literature. Solid start. Then I experienced a particularly bad batch of Weissbeer, which spooked me somewhat. Much Subway was required to recover.
  • Watched both Snatch and Covenant on the train. Snatch was fun, I love the little NYC-London bit and the references to minerals. Meanwhile The Covenant stirred up some deep seated emotions, what a brilliant film.
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© Alex Wilson 2024