Weeknotes: Mending — Week 32, 2024

  • Not much happened this past fortnight. I came down with Covid, and reader, it hit me hard. Like not leaving the apartment hard.
  • 25/25 on Joe two weeks in a row tho.
  • Wrote some pretty cool Splunk queries: Did you know that after adding categories to your events (eval category=case(like(), "Category 1", like(), "Category 2", 1=1, "Default")) you can then use an xyseries to transform them into a columnar structure? A few transpose or tables later and now you’re cooking. (without a spreadsheet!)
  • With not much I could actually do, I picked Tears of the Kingdom back up after unlocking all the Lightroots last year and beat all 120 shrines, all 32 sky shrines and a bunch of side-quests.
  • Continuing the streak, I booted up Breath of the Wild for the first time since 2017 and completed all 120 shrines there too and some of the EX shrines. At some point the game design started to feel so tedious that my inner completionist took over and now here we are.
  • To keep my distance from the screens, I finally split the Switch's joycons. It's a really liberating play-style and I now really wish all controllers were like this, and that there were any keyboards/mice available which work the same way.
  • Watched a fair number of films and TV too: The Gentlemen (2024) was fun but like many other streaming-first shows it felt a tad too artificial. Chef (2014) was spectacular: A lovely film, I wholeheartedly recommend for any audience.
  • RTA in Japan is happening right now and so far has proven far more wholesome than Defcon this year.
  • And now with my energy levels and my sense of smell slowly returning to normal, it’s time to get back in the grind eh?
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