Weeknotes: Lightroots — Week 26, 2023

  • Two last days in one week, working absolute wonders for my separation anxiety.
  • I tried blocking off time this week to focus on an area of technical strategy, but with the influx of end-of-q2 and end-of-h1 activities couldn't really make any. Slightly annoyed at that.
  • Anna's last actual day was on Monday - we went for lunch to Lina Stores which was lovely even if the affogato was bittersweet. Anna has been a great boss, and with the move to CTO I'm really excited for her.
  • We gave an update to our Nikkei counterparts about the progress we've made in enabling new story formats for the FT, and seeing just how much we've achieved in a year is pretty phenomenal. We also gave a sneak-peak at a new secret article page feature we're working on which I'm super-excited about and believe will be game-changing.
  • My entire team went to LeadingEng this year which was fantastic, if only because it meant the we could form a meta-clique between the current and former FT people, just like we did last year at FFconf. The talks were great - I've got some notes but am not sure if I should do a full write-up since there was so much overlap with last year. My main takeaway was actually on better ways of doing delegation.
  • Wednesday marked the day that I broke my vow to never do karaoke ever again. Juri's leaving drinks (and last day!) took us on a wild ride through an eclectic mix of people at a pub all the way to the stragglers losing track of our karaoke bar tab. I spent the entire evening subtly introducing bangers to the playlist (although, sadly, WAP would just not play) and left around the time when people discovered they could hit skip. It's not cool when you can't wait for someone to finish a song.
  • On Saturday evening I was invited to three things, awkwardly all three by people who read this blog, and I only made it to two. Luke's leaving drinks (although, thankfully, he is not leaving this week so - separation anxiety hasn't kicked in yet), some general hang-out drinks at the MP and a pretty cool rave that closed at 11PM. And I learned a lot about William Shatner covers.
  • Oh yeah and I unlocked all 120 of the Lightroots. Took days, literally. I think I need a break from Zelda or something.

Collage of week 26, 2023

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