Weeknotes: Yvaga — Week 33, 2024

  • My love-hate relationship with Google Colab continues: I’m back to loving it, brought on by its secrets management which makes it easy to repeat sensitive analysis.
  • A new trick which made my week is writing a dataframe to Google Sheets for wrangling/sharing: gspread-dataframe’s set_with_dataframe makes it so easy I can’t believe I hadn’t used it before!
  • It’s a brat summer, late I know. I love 365’s acid line.
  • Highlight of the week was NL’s birthday which started at The George, featured some wholesome conversations and ended at Mallow, who do a pretty mean burger.
  • Thursday saw both the formation of the Coxinha Crew, and me getting a detailed Zodiac reading so close-to-home (yet seemingly devoid of Barnum statements) that I’m still reeling all the way over here on Sunday.
  • Ate some mid pizza and then watched Alien: Romulus (2024) with TM & LF: Loved the vibe, it felt a lot like the first film. ScreenX added nothing. “That Scene” was A Lot. Computers went bleep. Synthetics were thought-provoking. “Non-newtonian” fluid looked familiar. Solid 7.5/10.
  • Side-note: I’ve tried lots of these special cinema formats now and IMO only IMAX 70mm is worth paying for. The others add nothing. Save your money people!
  • Picked up Dread mode on a whim and it’s gone much faster than last time.
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© Alex Wilson 2024