Weeknotes: Hiking — Week 32

  • After working at the FT for a long time, finally this week I made a change to the homepage. And then I made another one. Both worked out fine, although they're small so you won't see anything. Smol milestone.

  • Lxds I did it, I've got a Splunk dashboard named after me. Remember the hackathon? Turns out I was sending a large number of requests. Probably because my Google Script add-on implemented retries, and I was sending at least 200 individual requests, therefore maybe accidentally doing a denial-of-service against our internal LLM. Whoops!

  • Also spent a bit of time this week supporting my team in editorial with adopting notebooks via SageMaker. It's off to a rocky start so far, but it's mostly AWS related challenges - permissions and images and such. I really wish AWS was significantly more user friendly.

  • On Friday I spent a couple of hours on a 10%-time project that I've been excited about for a while, which is restoring some of the digital signage I worked on several years ago. Mostly spent the time scaffolding out a new project (porting from PHP to Node) and exploring data.

  • In slightly unwelcome news, I got a huge rent hike this week and I'm not thrilled about it. I negotiated it down to about 14% but this has lit a fire under my desire to buy. ASDF.

  • Watched Oppenheimer with TM and Lucy this week and - it may be the best thing I've ever seen. I loved the story, the build into the Trinity test and the continuation as the story evolved. It was in the BMI IMAX so I was sitting in the very corner, but it was still visually stunning even if everything was a shade wonky.

  • In other films news, I watched Nimona with Laura & Sara which was visually stunning if somewhat goofy - and finally watched The Wolf of Wall Street which I kinda hated every minute of (but I think that's the point?).

  • Learned a lot about Japanese corporate finance on Wednesday at drinks with CL. Very revelatory stuff.

  • Finishing 999 last week, I played through its sequel - Virtue's Last Reward which I enjoyed - but it got super samey because it involves lots of repetition, and story's ending felt super convoluted. Interesting premise but 999 actually drew me in, this felt like a grind. I texted a few people about the story and its inconsistencies and think I'm having a corkboard-and-red-string moment.

  • Closed the week with a mini-Bermondsey-beer-mile on Sunday, which is code for Vinegar Yard and Cloudwater. Unsolicited Poetry is probably the tastiest beer I've ever

    Collage of week 32, 2023


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