Weeknotes: Sunrising — 9th October 2022

  • There's something quite magical about watching the sunrise from an airport lounge. It brings a kind-of existential clarity to your priorities and your life. The (usually) sleepless night before really helps in setting the mood to answer such difficult questions as “What am I even doing with my life?”.
  • It was beautiful though. Wish you could have seen it.
  • This week was largely spent in spreadsheets, changing (occasionally moving) cells. And then speaking to people about the changes. I also spent some time doing some targeted deep-dives into our tech-stack, to look at personalisation and caching logic. A pull-request may have been produced, and subsequently rejected.
  • My new vice this week is sudoku. I reinstalled Good Sudoku while watching the final season of Killing Eve, and then a day later caught myself doing one during a slightly more talk-y meeting. According to screentime I have over 24 hours in-game. Yikes.
  • Really disappointed at where Killing Eve went BTW. Not sure if it's the books, or the screenplay, but season 4 was a real struggle.
  • Also currently at 8 pumpkin spice lattes this week, and that doesn't include today. I can stop any time I want.
  • Ok! My gate is now open, hitting publish!
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