Weeknotes: Dizzy — Week 19, 2024

  • Holiday this week, originally the plan was to go to Mälmo to the Eurovision semifinal - but that didn’t happen for a few reasons.
  • Monday marked my birthday, which was a pretty relaxed affair. Had a nice lunch (Nanban!? In the UK!?) followed by some cake. I got a watch and a sketchpad, as well as far too many kind messages to reply to in any decent time.
  • On Tuesday I walked through Wimbledon, and was wired up to a 5-lead EKG for a 24-hour test. You wear it around your neck, and it continuously monitors the electrical activity in your heart. It’s odd wearing all these cables on your chest, amongst other things you hope you’re not sending scary vibes. It’s probably the closest I will ever come to wearing a wire.
  • The follow-up appointment happened on Saturday and I got the all-clear. Major relief, although in the future I’ll check-in just to be sure.
  • Pub quiz at the George & Vulture: Our team was on fire, and I was uncharacteristically in flow and had tonnes of answers which were almost all correct. The dingbats were particularly fun. Disappointed that I couldn’t correctly name the top 5 brands of tea. Our humble team came 8th.
  • Had the nail-biting experience of watching the Coast Guard save a boat that got swept away and pinned to Putney Bridge by The Thames. They were there within ten minutes, and even stopped the Uber ferry!
  • Hiked through Wimbledon through to Putney, to The Duke’s Head with a friend, clocking a healthy number of steps. Summer is here.
  • Eurovision was particularly fun this year. The censorship of the boycott was blatant, but they couldn’t cover all the booing. Shame that this year was so controversial considering the queer representation. At a party I bet on Switzerland, and was thrilled when they smashed the popular and jury votes. Estonia’s song is funny with subtitles. Drank a bit too much.
  • My favourites this year were: Dizzy — Olly Alexander (UK), The Code — Nemo (Switzerland), Rim Tim Tagi Dim — Baby Lasagna (Croatia), Unforgettable — Marcus & Martinus (Sweden), No Rules! — Windows95man (Finland), Europapa — Boost (Netherlands). Spotify playlist here.
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© Alex Wilson 2024