Weeknotes: Lightning — Week 39, 2024

  • My iPhone 16 Pro Max preorder arrived this week, and it’s glorious. New iOS is great and I’m enjoying the new button + camera control, but the best thing is that I no longer have any devices that use a Lightning Cable! We are a USB-C only house.
  • One of my main focuses has been rolling forward a bunch of low-intervention changes which, once live, will make it far easier to monitor and reduce the usage of a legacy system. It isn’t all done, but I’ve got it written up with a TDD and a lengthy living todo document.
  • Work hosted a “safety skills seminar” this week which featured an ex-copper coming in and talking about how to identify and avoid being the victim of phone thefts, etc. Lots of examples and lots learned, but my main takeaways are to take a breath before going into a new place (eg leaving the office) and to think like an adversary.
  • Made some headway with feedback loops: Model feedback as a hand-off in kanban terms, and when planning as a generic dependency. Set some expectations about where it slows things down, and when it becomes a limiting constraint negotiate away from approvals (e.g. with type-2 decisions).
  • Wings Wednesday came and went, I finally got to meet baby James - who didn’t enjoy the music.
  • Went to one work drinks this week: MT’s leaving drinks. The weather was awful and soaking wet, but we braved the cold and the damp and had a great time anyway. About half of the invitees showed up, and most of them stayed until rather late, covering a lot of conversational ground. Definitely in my top-10 leaving drinks, and we’ll miss you sir.
  • Foot’s doing quite a bit better, thanks for asking. I’ve been cleaning and redressing it every day. Keeping the pressure off means walking funny, which is also painful. Haah.
  • Spent most of the weekend continuing with my housework backlog and doing some chores on this blog including populating historic content and some recordings of talks. This place will be a digital garden eventually.
  • Went to The George on Saturday evening to celebrate Luke’s birthday and drank so much that I broke my vow of never setting foot into Guiseppe’s ever again: I’m pleased to report that I came to my senses and encouraged our group to leave for home within ~15 minutes. (In my defence, people just kept handing me shots) - happy birthday Luke.
  • Closed the week with by walking a decent chunk of the Thames Path with LF, starting at Clapham Junction and ending up in Canary Wharf. I love watching how London’s neighbourhoods and districts transition and especially the transition from SW to SE.

montage of photos from week 39, 2024

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© Alex Wilson 2024