Weeknotes: Shrinkflating — Week 9, 2023

  • A small change I quietly released to ft.com last week has received such positive reception that people I wouldn't even expect to know about it have commented. I'm used to people celebrating improvements, but this seems really disproportionate!
  • This week has been very much about trying to get on with it. Bias for action and all that. With the year starting out the way it did, I've felt like suboptimal physical & mental health have held me back. Ahead of planning/reviewing/refining full personal objectives, I'm making decisions towards an intentionally vague theme I drafted last year. This month's priority is getting back on track.
  • Inspired by that I started taking private Japanese lessons. Even with a hundred-odd kanji memorised, we've deliberately started with the basics, following a highly-structured approach because last year's feedback left me very aware that I don't sound natural. Next stop: N5.
  • Also had a therapy session this week. CBT hasn't really been doing much for me - or at least the strange way that the NHS have been delivering it hasn't done much for me - so I'm hoping to get a bit more out of a few sessions of speaking to a real human.
  • Matt has ruined my go-to workplace lunch-spot. I raved about it, so he checked it out and was disappointed by their Karaage. So I looked back at my camera-roll from 2019 when I first started going there and this is a particularly brutal case of shrinkflation: There's less chicken, it's no longer on skewers, and it's also no longer seasoned. Worst part is I didn't notice!
  • Oh, my god, the Bount saga (seasons 4 & 5) of Bleach was probably some of the worst television I've ever seen. And I've watched all of Doctor Who.
  • Back on my Ableton bullshit. Booted up my old laptop and listened back to every track/project that I thought was close to finished: I'm unhappy with them all. So I've been fiddling around with trying to introduce elements of trance music. Euphoric breaks seem like just what the doctor ordered.
  • Had a long lunch on Saturday. After the trek that is getting around South West London, we ate Moroccan beef & plumb tagine and it was so, so good.
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© Alex Wilson 2025