Weeknotes: Fargo — Week 25, 2024

  • This week was marked by the duality of my team’s quarterly planning day and my department’s yearly rounders outing. Had a real blast at both seeing and chatting with people who I don’t normally get the chance to.
  • During rounders we incepted everybody to skip going to the normal pub in favour of one far more accessible and public transport friendly. Despite a brazen bag theft, it went well.
  • Dealt with an outage where, even after restoring service, labelling the exact root cause proved tricky: It was compounded and began in a different part of the organisation. How it spread was the interesting factor, and I’m really looking forward to the retrospective.
  • Okinawa day was the closest thing I’ve seen to a Japanese festival in London. Lots of elated folk singing/dancing and a solid selection of snacks from the area.
  • Unfrosted was pretty damn funny. That Seinfeld guy could be a star.
  • Doctor Who season finale was good, but, felt rushed? Lots of things happened quickly, and they didn’t all add up. I’m still hooked — but I feel like I did after Prometheus.
  • Spent much of Sunday pouring over some outstanding admin for my degree (including sending a flurry of emails) and successfully planned how to complete the whole thing. Assuming all goes well, I should be selecting a specialism before the end of this year. (If you can guess it, you get a prize!)
  • Finally let my 150 day Duolingo streak end: It’s fun, but it takes up a lot of time. Streaks bum me out — missing a day in BeReal was heartbreaking — and they don’t motivate me well enough.
  • またね!
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© Alex Wilson 2025