Weeknotes: Week 1, 2024

  • New year, new feed.
  • We welcome the new year outside surrounded by a cacophony of fireworks. It's freezing, but despite the temperature it doesn't feel cold. Maybe it was the dancing. Another sip of champagne. Rick Astley begins singing on the TV inside. This time feels different.
  • New Year's Day falling on a Monday stretched out my holiday break to include the entire first week of the year, a first - excuse the pun, which gave me some time to catch-up with people and with my reading list. Is 40 books doable this year?
  • Oh, he rickrolled us.
  • This week also brought coursework, so much of it that some of my upcoming evenings will continue to be consigned to it. Sigh.
  • Proud of my sister. Really.
  • Amidst other reads I binged Prince Harry's book, Spare — and I'm not sure what to make of it. It casts the British monarchy through a very human lens, making them seem far more relatable than we normally see. And yet something felt very off: I feel like I learned something, but, I don't know what.
  • Motivated by breaking the streak, and a rough December, this year I aim to experiment a bit more with the format of these notes. Likely many will still be weekly, but I'd quite like to group intervals thematically when it makes sense to. It fits the journalling format better: Some things are (small) chapters.
  • I'm so very close to installing conventional blogging software out of frustration. The friction that a Markdown powered site introduces is a very poor reason not to write. I count six(!) draft blog posts right now!
  • Richie Hawtin's set in Womb last April absolutely SLAPS.
  • Add me on Duolingo, yeah?
  • Happy new year!
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© Alex Wilson 2024